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“Good Catch” Launch Party at East End Market Wednesday

Written By Scott Joseph On October 29, 2014

Good Catch cover

Hey, come on out to East End Market tonight for the launch party of “Good Catch: Recipes & Stories Celebrating the Best of Florida’s Waters,” a new book by Pam Brandon (Divas of Dish), Katie Farmand and Heather McPherson. The authors will be on hand to sign copies of the book, which will also be available for sale.

Jamie McFadden of Cuisinier’s Catered Cuisine and Events will be serving appetizers, and the good folks at Txokos Basque Kitchen there at the Market are offering a complimentary cocktail to anyone who purchases a copy of “Good Catch.”

The reception is from 7 to 9 p.m. at East End Market, 3201 Corrine Drive, Orlando.

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