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Airline Food Now Available for Home Delivery

Written By Scott Joseph On September 22, 2014

airfoodoneI can’t imagine there’s actually a call for this.

A new service developed by a company called Air Food One in association with German grocery company AllYouNeed.com and LGS Sky Chefs is offering to sell leftover airline food to people on the ground. For now, that ground is limited to Germany, Dusseldorf and Cologne, to be precise.

Unused food is delivered every Wednesday from German carrier Lufthansa, which I refer to as TWWA (The World’s Worst Airline) ever since it accomplished the seemingly impossible feat of actually losing my carry-on luggage! The dinners are delivered right to the front door of the people who order the dinners through the online service and who, apparently, have even less pride than tastebuds. The dinner cost between 9 and 10 euros, or about $11.50 to $15.40, considerably less than the more than $1200 I paid for the food the last time I tasted it. This might be fun if the dinners were parachuted from the airliner as it passed over homes in Deutschland, or delivered by drone the way Amazon is plotting.

One of the people involved in the pilot program — get it? pilot? — was quoted in a Techcrunch article as saying it is a good way to use food that might otherwise get thrown out. I have news for you: A lot of the food that gets served in the air is getting thrown out, too.

But hey, who am I to shoot this one down? I say go for it. And if you want the full experience, eat your food on a tiny wobbling tray with your forehead up against the back of one of your living room’s chairs. Extra points if the people involved can figure out a way to pressurize the little packets of salad dressing so they explode when you open them.

What about you? Have you ever had an airline meal that you wished you could order for home delivery?

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