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Pop Up Wants to Serve You Someone Else’s Last Meal

Written By Scott Joseph On September 18, 2014

Well, here’s a bad idea that should just, um, die.

A London club that calls itself Death Row Dinners wants to offer the actual last meals of condemned prisoners as a pop-up restaurant theme. The idea apparently grew out of the notion that at every dinner party someone would invariably ask, “So, if you were sentenced to be executed, what would you choose for your last meal?”

The idea has been met with overwhelming derision.

Tasteless. Crass. Wrong. Just stop and shut down,” wrote one commenter on the group’s Facebook page, which includes actual pictures of convicts with signs indicating their last suppers.

You need to remove all images of prisoners now!” wrote another. “What is wrong with you people? Who are you? Where do you come from? Death Row is not a lifestyle, not for use as an ‘edgy’ promotional concept for a pop-up restaurant. It’s beyond any comprehension that you think this is a good idea. If you really don’t get the banal inhumanity of this then I’d be happy to explain it to you.”

On its website, Death Row Dinners issued a statement that read:

“We’re shocked and saddened by the response to Death Row Dinners and are genuinely very sorry for the offence caused. The pop up is intended to explore the concept of last meals…In light of the response to the idea we are considering our next steps and will update everyone with our decision.”

What’s misunderstood in the whole idea is that the last meals of actual death row inmates, at least in the United States — and let’s face it, more last meals are served in the U.S. than any other country — are not the sort of extravagant feasts that dinner guests expound about. Cheeseburgers, fried chicken and other mundane fare are the norm. Indeed, requests for foie gras or pheasant under glass would not likely be granted. So the 50 pounds sterling ($81.69 USD) that the group wants to charge for steamed mussels, double cheeseburger, ribs and strawberry ice cream is another reason for outrage.

What do you think of the idea? And as long as they’re asking, what would your last meal be?

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