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RusTeak Changes Its Mind on Former Hangar Space

Written By Scott Joseph On September 16, 2014

A lot can happen in a 14 percent gap.

When I told you in June that RusTeak, an Ocoee restaurant, would open a second location in the former Hangar space at the Wellseley condominiums in College Park, I quoted the owner as saying the verbal agreement to lease the space was “86 percent done.” Now, as Matt Broffman of Bungalower and Debbie Goetz of College Park Community Paper are reporting, the deal did not go through, and instead the RusTeak owner has purchased the freestanding building up the block that was most recently home to a troubled pizzeria.

The building, at 2625 Edgewater Drive, was where Alfonso’s Pizza took up residence when it moved back to College Park after a year or so on South Orange Avenue. However, a dispute with the owners of Ragazzi’s Pizza, which was originally the location of Alfonso’s, resulted in the latter changing its name to O-Town Pizza. But it closed shortly thereafter.

That address has held many restaurants over the years, including Scruffy Murphy’s, Adair’s, and a most forgettable cafe called Gio’s. 

The Hangar Bar and Grille space has been home to a few restaurants, too, in its relatively shorter life. It was originally Harmoni Market then became a Wildside BBQ Bar that for some reason also featured sushi. No word on who will step up to take over that location. How about it, College Parkers, what type of restaurant would you like to see go in there?


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