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JW Marriott to Open New Restaurant in Fall

Written By Scott Joseph On September 5, 2014

Whisper Creek logoJW Marriott at  Grande Lakes Orlando will open a new restaurant called Whisper Creek Kitchen this fall. The name refers to the resort’s own 7000 square foot Whisper Creek Farm that grows produce for the property’s other restaurants as well as eateries in Central Florida. 

As with the new retail operation that is planned by Cask & Larder in Winter Park, Whisper Creek Kitchen will also feature charcuterie and, State of Florida willing, beers brewed at the hotel’s Nano Brewery.

The Whisper Creek Kitchen is part of a series of improvements to the resort that also included the recently opened Haighball & Harvest at the Ritz-Carlton, which replaced that hotel’s Vineyard Grill. I attended a media dinner at H&H (no, it doesn’t serve bagels) Thursday and will have details for you soon.

Grande Lakes Orlando is also home to Norman’s at the Ritz and Primo by Melissa Kelly at the JW.

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