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Opentable Experiments with Pay-By-Phone Feature

Written By Scott Joseph On August 29, 2014

opentablelogoOne of the most common pet peeves among diners is having to wait for the check at the end of the meal. Then, waiting for the server to pick up the cash or credit card. Then, having to wait for the server to bring the change or credit slip. Opentable, the online reservation juggernaut, wants to eliminate that hassle. As this article from Mashable explains, Opentable has launched a feature wherein diners can pay via smartphone right there at the table — no waiting for the check, no waiting for the credit slip. So far it’s just in experimental phase, with just a handful of participating restaurants in San Francisco and New York. But look for this feature to go wide soon.

What do you think? Would you use this system to pay your check? Leave a comment below.

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