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Cariera’s to Reopen Under New Ownership

Written By Scott Joseph On August 20, 2014

Carieras exterior

You may have noticed the Cariera’s in the Marketplace at Dr. Phillips has been closed. It has sported a banner out front of late that says that it is “Opening soon under new ownership.” I can tell you now that that ownership is Intram Investments, the parent company of neighbor Bistro CloClo. Intram’s Kelly Froelich tells me that they will keep the Cariera’s name — Cariera’s Cucina Italiano, to be precise — and just do some basic sprucing up: refresh the ceiling and the flooring, “Just give it a little bit of love it hasn’t been getting.”

Froelich says that Intram bought the business from Tom and Debbie Cariera and will keep the same concept. “It was really a hot spot in the neighborhood for a long time,” she says.

Froelich says the company is looking to reopen in late November.

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