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New Indian Restaurant in Hannibal Square is Mynt

Written By Scott Joseph On August 20, 2014

The name of the restaurant that will replace Fresh Cafe, which closed recently in Winter Park’s Hannibal Square, is Mynt. The name was originally to be Blue Ginger, but after I reported that Tuesday the owners sent word that the name had changed. Someone in here there must be a joke about the restaurant being Mynty Fresh.

The restaurant is from the same owners as Saffron on Restaurant Row. One of the owners tells me that he is looking to do a “high end Indian restaurant with all natural meats and fresh produce.”

With American Gymkhana set to open soon in the former Raga space, also on Restaurant Row, it looks like we might be looking forward to a surge in Indian restaurants, which is just fine with me.

Blue Ginger is looking for an early October opening. I’ll keep you posted.

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