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Cindy’s Cafe Replaces Everybody’s Mom

Written By Scott Joseph On August 13, 2014

Bungalower is reporting that Cindy’s Cafe has opened in the Health Village, the newish name for the medical complex that includes Florida Hospital on Orange Avenue north of Princeston Street. Cindy’s is a relocation, of sorts, of Cindy’s Tropical Cafe from Virginia Drive in the area between Ivanhoe Village and Mills 50. It replaces a small sandwich shop called Everybody’s Mom that occupied the space at 2512 N. Orange Ave. for many years. (I visited “Mom” many years ago and wasn’t the least bit whelmed.) Cindy’s, which has a Cuban menu, is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday through Saturday (though it closes at 8 most days and at 5 p.m. on Saturdays). Hopefully it will be a better choice for workers looking to take something with them on the SunRail commute home.

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