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Green Day Cafe Moving into Virgin Territory

Written By Scott Joseph On July 17, 2014

Green Day logoGreen Day Cafe will take over the space in downtown Orlando’s North Quarter District that was vacated recently by Virgin Olive Market at 807 N. Orange Ave. This will be a second location for the local business, which also has a restaurant on Lee Road. Virgin Olive Market closed in early May.

In the new restaurant, managing partner Chad Tomlinson is partnering with local businessman, developer and restaurateur Craig Ustler, whose Citrus restaurant is in the same building.

The “green” in Green Day’s name is meant to signify it as an eco-friendly fast food restaurant with a minimal impact on the environment by controlling its carbon footprint, minimizing water use and avoiding damaging chemicals. It is certified as a Green Commercial Kitchen

The Lee Road menu features wraps and salads, rice bowls and stuffed potatoes. The Orange Avenue restaurant will add a breakfast component and the renovations will include outdoor seating. Beer and wine will also be available at the new Green Day Cafe.

Tomlinson expects to have the restaurant open by late August or early September.

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