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Eola Wine Company Winter Park Sold

Written By Scott Joseph On July 9, 2014

eolawine wpThe Park Avenue Eola Wine Company has been sold and the new owner will change the name to the Parkview. Scott Schrope, one of the original owners of Eola Wine Company, will retain ownership of the Thornton Park wine bar.

Schrope sold the Winter Park location to his bar manager, Matt Coltrin. As part of the agreement, Coltrin may continue to use the name Eola Wine Company for 45 days, but plans are already underway to change the name to the Parkview. 

Schrope opened Eola Wine Company with then co-owner John Walsh in 2002 at 500 E. Central Blvd., across from Lake Eola. When the business outgrew its original space, Shrope moved it across the street to its current location at 430 E. Central Blvd. 

Schrope says the sale of the Winter Park location will allow him to focus on downtown, “where my passion is.”

Look for sign changes for the Parkview at 136 Park Ave. S., Winter Park.

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