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Disney’s Food Truck Festival is a Nod to Local Trend

Written By Scott Joseph On June 20, 2014

WDW trucksPhoto: Walt Disney World

In any given month, Mark Baratelli operates about 12 of his Food Truck Bazaars, each with anywhere from 10 to 25 trucks of various cuisines. It’s something he’s been doing since the very first Bazaar, in April of 2011. (Here’s a video I made from that first event.)

So Disney announces it’s going to have a food truck event and suddenly it’s big news. Well, such is the nature of that particular beast. But the really impressive thing about Disney’s first food truck festival is that they had the good sense to partner with someone who knows what he’s doing: Baratelli.

That’s the big news in my book. Baratelli helped curate the local trucks who will join Disney’s own vehicles at the event Saturday, June 21, at Downtown Disney in the parking lot behind Cirque du Soleil near House of Blues. The event is from 5 to 10 p.m. For a full list of participating trucks, check out Pam Brandon’s post at the Disney Parks Blog. Later this summer, WDW will establish a permanent food truck park in the space between Bongos and the new Starbucks store.

It was revealed recently that Orlando has more food trucks per capita than any other city in the country, including Los Angeles, where the food truck trend arguably began. Baratelli is largely the reason for that.

For a list of other Food Truck Bazaar events, check out The Daily City’s calendar.


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