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Still Flogging After All These Years; SJO Turns Five

Written By Scott Joseph On May 14, 2014

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Today marks the fifth anniversary of the website you see here. It was May 14, 2009, when we flipped the switch and revealed the new look and platform. (There was an online presence before that, but it wasn’t the full, functioning site that it became on that day.)

I’m grateful to all of you who visit and read regularly. Quite frankly, without all of you visiting and responding and telling me over the years that you appreciate the efforts put forth here, I’d feel pretty silly just sitting around typing to myself.

As a way of saying thanks, other than just “Thanks!”, I will be having a series of drawings for some very special gift certificates and event passes on Friday. How many? Oh, let’s say five. That seems like a good number.

As always, winners will be selected at random from among the list of those who are signed up to receive my e-letter. If you’re already a recipient, you’re already eligible to win. If not, you can be signed up in a matter of seconds — oh, about five seconds — by clicking right here. If you’d like more information about how the drawings are conducted, you can get that information at this link.

We hope you find our reviews and news articles useful and entertaining. It has always been our goal to assist you in making informed decisions when spending your dining dollars. If we’ve helped you in any way, please consider making a contribution to help us continue our journalism. Thank you.

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