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Crave Restaurant Closes Millenia Location

Written By Scott Joseph On May 13, 2014

Crave, the Minnesota based restaurant that opened near the Mall at Millenia just over four years ago, has closed. The restaurant, which touted itself as an American eatery but featured sushi as a specialty, was the first that the company opened outside the Minneapolis region, the fourth location overall. Over the last few years, it had opened a few more to total nine. Make it eight now.

A note on the Crave Orlando’s Facebook page says that it has closed permanently and invites fans to visit the nearest location in Coral Gables. I can’t see anyone making a special trip.

Crave took over the former Village Tavern location, which also did not have a very long life. When Village Tavern closed in May of 2009 a company spokeswoman said it was the result of the recession. I questioned at the time whether it wasn’t simply that location. Although it has good visibility from Conroy Road, the parking lot is hard to get into and out of. People drive right past the entrance and likely go somewhere else. That’s my theory. Atlanta’s Reynolds Group closed only one of its Village Tavern locations, even while blaming the recession. It seems that the Millenia Crave is the only one to be shuttered, too. Make your own conclusions.

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