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Lechonera Latina Taking Over Tasty Thai Locale

Written By Scott Joseph On April 28, 2014


A Puerto Rican and Latin American restaurant with two locations on the East side of Orlando is moving into the space that was recently vacated by Tasty Thai at 3806 Curry Ford Road in Orlando. The structure has been repainted and a makeshift sign hangs outside announcing Lechonera Latina #3 will open soon. A man who answered the phone at another location said he thougt it would open in “two or three weeks,” but we know how these things go.

Lechonera Latina #3 joins #1 and #2 — who names a restaurant #2? — which are both located on East Colonial Drive at 9850 and 11129 respectively. Tasty Thai had occupied the freestanding building for 20 years when it closed two weeks ago.


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