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Cityfish Reopens After Renovations

Written By Scott Joseph On April 17, 2014

Check out the new spiff on Cityfish. 

The downtown Orlando Thornton Park restaurant closed for a couple of days while workers did some painting and tiling as part of the first phase of planned renovations. As I told you recently, the restaurant also introduced an updated menu designed by new executive chef Greg Richie. Richie is also a partner in TPRG, which now owns Cityfish and is developing a restaurant for the former HUE Restaurant space a few doors down.

Improvements include fresh paint, new flooring and tiled walls. Check out the photos below to see what Cityfish looked like on Tuesday afternoon and what it looked like when it reopened Wednesday for dinner. Cityfish Restaurant is at 617 E. Central Blvd., Orlando.

Cityfish before

Cityfish after

Disclosure: TPRG is a client of Scott Joseph Company’s consulting services.

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