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Meet Scott at Southeast Steel Friday

Written By Scott Joseph On April 10, 2014

Southeast Steel logoSoutheast Steel, the downtown appliance warehouse showroom, is moving the showroom outdoors Friday and Saturday. They’re hosting a “outdoor lifestyle event,” with a focus on grilling and outdoor kitchens. And I’ll be there from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Friday. There will be grilling and steam-cooking demonstrations by the Wolf people (by that I mean the representatives from the company that manufactures Wolf brand appliances, not people with out of control facial hair, although I haven’t met them yet). There will be other interesting demonstrations and equipment, including an Urban Cultivator, which is sort of like a portable greenhouse for growing your own herbs. I’m told to expect some food trucks on the premises, as well. So come on by and say hi. Southeast Steel is at 63 W. Amelia St., Orlando.

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