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Last Chance to Save on Reading Between the Wines Tickets

Written By Scott Joseph On March 31, 2014


Today is the last day to get the advance-purchase “early bird” rates for this year’s Reading Between the Wines event. Click this link to go to the RBTW website and snatch yours before they go up 10 bucks tomorrow.

Reading Between the Wines is the annual fundraiser for the Adult Literacy League, which helps people 18 years and over learn to read, write, to do math and get computer skills that will allow them to gain employment.

This year marks the 7th Reading Between the Wines event. It will be held on Wednesday, April 16, from 6 to 9:30 p.m. at the Orlando Science Center, 777 E. Princeton St. Tickets are $75 today and go up to $85 tomorrow. For $15 more you can get reserved seating. All the funds go to the Adult Literacy League. 

Some of the food vendors this year include Cask & Larder and The Ravenous Pig, The COOP, Walt Disney World, Burger Craft, and Cabot Cheese. And the wines that will be poured include such names as Stag’s Leap, Ravenswood, Sierra Contrabria, La Crema, Markham, Hess and Arrowood. Not too shabby.

The evening will also include a presentation by New York Times best-selling author Stuart Woods.

This is a good event for a great cause. I hope you’ll consider going. 

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