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Lima 41 and Regional Grill & Bayou Closed

Written By Scott Joseph On March 3, 2014

A couple of closings in the Conway area to report. Lima 41, a Peruvian restaurant on Curry Ford Road that opened in summer of 2012, is gone. I never wrote about Lima 41. It was the kind of place that after two visits I knew would close on its own without any help from a less than positive review. Actually, it lasted much longer than I expected. It wasn’t bad, just blah.

Not far from there, just east of Crystal Lake Drive, Regional Grill & Bayou has shut down. But according to chef Tony Strowder, Regional will return, but in a different region. Strowder says the owners have acquired a space in the Mall at Millenia area “near Ikea.” The Conway area, he says, wasn’t a right match for the restaurant, which features cuisines from Louisiana and other regions of the U.S. I did review Regional Grill & Bayou in August. Strowder says he’s been told the restaurant will open in its new space in about 90 days, but he’s pretty realisitc — more likely longer than that.

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