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Forgot To Make Reservations for Valentine’s Day? Here’s How To Save Your Sorry Self

Written By Scott Joseph On February 14, 2014

Did you mess up and forget to make a dinner reservation for tonight? You know, tonight — Valentine’s Day Night. Trust me, it’s too late if you did. You’re not getting in, no matter what restaurant we’re talking about. Most of them won’t even entertain a wait list. Yeah, you screwed up royally.

Here’s how you fix it. In a few minutes, you’re going to hop in the car and high tail it to Publix or Fresh Market and purchase everything you need to whip up your sweetie’s favorite meal. Stop by the Wine Barn for some bubbly and one of these places for some David Ramirez Chocolates. Those things will almost make it OK.

But what’s really going to get you out of the doghouse is that first you’re going to call Norman’s and book dinner for tomorrow night. And “book dinner” has a double meaning here.

That’s because Norman Van Aken himself will be in attendance, hot off the circuit of touting his new memoir, “No Experience Necessary.” You may have seen him on the Jimmy Kimmel program recently, cooking with Kimmel and guest Andy Garcia. And tomorrow night, February 15, Van Aken is hosting a Cookbook Dinner at his Ritz-Carlton restaurant. The event begins at 5 p.m. with a reception, followed by dinner and a discussion of the book. Then there’s an after-dinner party with live music.

Cost is $160 per person and includes a signed copy of either the memoir or “My Key West Kitchen,” which Van Aken wrote with his son, Justin. That’s a bargain for a dinner at one of our poshest restaurants, but if you’re thinking it’s too much, just consider it tuition for the lesson you’ve learned: make reservations for Valentine’s Day early.

Call Laura at 407-393-4333 to make your reservation, then sit down and start your shopping list for tonight.

Normans Dinner

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