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Holy Smoke BBQ Closes Again

Written By Scott Joseph On December 27, 2013

It would appear that the short, troubled life of Holy Smoke  BBQ has come to an end. Again.

Holy Smoke opened almost exactly two years ago, just before Christmas. It closed, according to neighbors, on Monday. 

The restaurant, in a former Eckerd’s drug store space in the Winn-Dixie Plaza at Curry Ford Road and Crystal Lake Drive in Orlando, had been in development for nearly three years when it finally opened in December of 2011. Then, in February of 2012, it closed.

A month later, following what a worker at the restaurant said was a replacement of the management team, it reopened.

Things seemed to be going better. For one thing, the restaurant actually had many of the items that were listed on the menu. (Previously, many of the entrees and barbecue dishes were frequently “sold out.”) 

In November of 2012, Holy Smoke incorporated the kitchen staff from the just-closed All American Cafe, a few doors away, to begin serving breakfast.

Today, the phone is disconnected and the Holy Smoke BBQ website is down. 

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