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Get Your Sizzle On at the 1st Festival of Bacon Saturday

Written By Scott Joseph On October 4, 2013

Bacon fest poster

This weekend is the Festival of Bacon, which I’ve always referred to as breakfast. Organizers are calling it an “8-hour Bacon Bonanza.” So far, it’s still looking like breakfast to me.

But apparently this is going to be much more. The Festival of Bacon will be Saturday, October 5, 2013, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Festival Park in Orlando. (Festival Park is in the Milk District at Robinson Street and Primrose Drive, across from the Executive Airport.) 

The event will boast over 30,000 rashers of bacon prepared by over 30 Central Florida restaurants. I can’t tell you which restaurants — there doesn’t seem to be a list on the event’s website. Some of the bacon will be free; other samples — such as the bacon-flavored beer (!) — will require a purchase using “bacon bucks,” which may or may not leave a stain in your pocket. There’s an admission fee of $35, with a portion going to Future 6 Helping Hands Foundation, which benefits underprivileged individuals who want to participate in extreme sports. (No, I don’t know if a bacon eating contest qualifies as an extreme sport.)

I can’t really say whether this is something you should attend because this if the first one of its kind. But if you’re a bacon lover — and really, who isn’t? — then you might want to give it a try.

Some more details at the Festival of Bacon website, where you’ll also find a link to purchase tickets.

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