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Shipyard Brew Pub Closing Thursday

Written By Scott Joseph On August 14, 2013

Shipyard Brew Pub will close at the end of the business day tomorrow, August 15. The restaurant and brewing facility opened in 2011 as Shipyard Emporium, which also included a bakery facility.

Tami Kennedy, a spokeswoman for the company, said the location had difficulties that couldn’t be overcome, mainly parking. The space, which was the original Dexter’s and more recently Stollo’s Cucina Due, has a tiny parking lot on busy Fairbanks Avenue. Customers were informed that they could park at the Keke’s restaurant, which is not open for dinner, down the block and across the street, but that apparently wan’t enough.

Fred Forsely, president of Maine-based Shipyard Brewing, recently opened Sea Dog Brewing Company in the Lake Buena Vista area.

Shipyard Brew Pub will go out with a party Thursday showcasing its Pumpkinhead beer.

“It’s been a great run there in that community,” Kennedy told me. “We loved being part of the Winter Park area.”

Thanks to Flogger Joe Sarrubbo for this news item.

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