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Kouzzina by Cat Cora Closing

Written By Scott Joseph On March 24, 2014


WDWMagic is reporting that Kouzzina by Cat Cora, the BoardWalk Greek and Mediterranean restaurant, will close at the end of September, almost exactly five years after it opened. Kouzzina took over the space that had originally been Spoodles, another Mediterranean. 

According to a Walt Disney World spokeswoman, the Disney culinears are currently working on coming up with a new concept for the space, but so far nothing has been determined. It will, however, remain a restaurant.

End of September is lead-in to the Epcot International Food & Wine Festival, so it would make sense that they would want to have something in place by then.

(Click the image above to see what the opening was like.)

A joint release from Disney and Cat Cora is expected later today. More soon.

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