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Helpful Hints for Ordering Wine

Written By Scott Joseph On January 6, 2014

This article from Business Insider is titled “A Top Sommelier Reveals 6 Things Not To Do  When Ordering Wine,” although I think a more positive title might be more effective. Maybe something like “Some Tips To Help You Enjoy Wine with Your Meal More Often.”

Still, there are some good points from John Ragan, wine director for Danny Meyer’s Union Square Hospitality Group, for people who may still feel intimidated by wine lists and the attendant ritual of ordering a bottle. I think the best advice here is telling the sommelier how much you want to spend. I must say, however, that I’m surprised there are still people who think they’re supposed to sniff the cork. I thought we’d evolved beyond that.

What do you think? Are there elements of the wine ordering ritual that intimidate you? And you wine stewards: What other advice could you add to Ragan’s list?

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