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Local Yolk’l

Written By Scott Joseph On October 1, 2013

local yolkl truck

Although it has changed a bit since its inception, the Tasty Tuesdays food truck event in the Milk District remains a favorite of mine. I stopped in on a recent evening — I’m pretty sure it was a Tuesday — to check out some of the truck fare.

One of the vendors I visited was Local Yolk’l, the cleverly named truck that specializes in breakfast no matter what time of the day it is. I like that sort of thinking.

On the night I visited they had red velvet pancakes, buttermilk pancakes, vegan pancakes, various manners of french toast, and, as you’d guess from the name of the truck, several egg-centric dishes. (And by the way, according to Local Yolk’l’s Facebook page, they use only local (duh) eggs from cage-free chickens. They also claim the chickens are happy, but that’s so hard to verify.)

Local yolkl eggs

I knew immediately what I wanted: the scrambled egg bowl, which included the eggs served atop home fries with crumbles of bacon and melted cheese. I liked that it was all clumped together because that’s how I like to eat my breakfast anyway. Even if it’s served separately on a plate I generally will mush everything together. Just add a little ketchup and I’m set (don’t judge).

You can find where the Local Yolk’l food truck will be by following its Facebook page or checking the calendar on its website. This being a Tuesday, you can head over to the Milk District and have an evening breakfast tonight.

local yolkl menu

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