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Guilt-free Donut Holes

Written By Pam Brandon and Anne-Marie Denicole On July 7, 2014

Divas Donut holes

Bathing suit weather is enough to send the divas into a slight state of panic, but we’ve found a favorite new way to exercise: Barre3, a tough love hour of ballet, Pilates and yoga all rolled into one.
Ashley, our beautiful instructor, brought these delicious, no-bake treats one morning – who knew that vegan could be so satisfying? Made in less than 30 minutes with just six wholesome ingredients, there’s no guilt with these summertime sweets. Go ahead, have two.

Guilt-Free Donut Holes
Makes 2 dozen

  • 1 1/2 cups raw almonds or roasted hazelnuts

  • 5 tablespoons raw cacao powder

  • 1 cup pitted dates

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
Finely shredded coconut, for rolling

Place all ingredients in food processor and pulse until cookie-dough-like texture without large chunks. (You may want to add a little water.)

Scoop out rounded spoonfuls with a mini ice cream scoop or melon baller. Roll between your palms to make a ball big enough for a bite or two. Roll in coconut.

Place finished balls on a cookie sheet and freeze for 1 hour. Store in freezer or fridge.

Diva confession: Is the cacao powder the same as unsweetened cocoa powder? According to FDA guidelines, they are nearly interchangeable, but cacao powder is raw and cold pressed to remove the cocoa butter, while cocoa powder is heated during the process, which destroys some of the nutrients. Raw cacao is healthiest.

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