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Bacon-Wrapped Scallop and Salmon Skewers

Written By Pam Brandon and Anne-Marie Denicole On June 2, 2014

divas scallops

With all the buzz about omega 3s, we look for creative ways to get fresh wild salmon, one of the best sources, in our diets. Scallops, high in protein and low in calories, pair with chunks of bacon-wrapped wild salmon in this snazzy, quick, promise-they’ll-love-it dish for Father’s Day or your next party.

Start to finish, you can serve this updated version with about 30 minutes of prep time.

Line the baking dish with foil to make clean-up a breeze. And for instant gratification, experiment with sauces from your grocery store, where fabulous chipotle concoctions are all the rage.

Bacon-Wrapped Scallop and Salmon Skewers

Serves 6

  • 1/2 pound sea scallops
  • 1 pound salmon fillets 

  • 6 skewers

  • 1/2 pound bacon

  • Maple Chipotle Glaze (recipe below)

Juice of 1 large lime

Preheat oven to 450°F. Rinse scallops and discard any white membrane that holds flesh to shell. Cut salmon into chunks roughly same size as scallops.

If using wooden skewers, soak them in water for 10 to 15 minutes while you prepare the glaze.

Cut bacon slices in half, about 4 inches long. Wrap the scallops and salmon pieces with bacon, threading alternately onto skewers. Liberally brush skewers with maple chipotle glaze. 

Bake for 20 minutes in a shallow pan or until bacon is crisp. Drizzle with lime juice and serve immediately.

Maple Chipotle Glaze
1/2 cup maple syrup
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons adobo sauce (from small can chipotle chiles)

Mix together all ingredients in a small bowl.

Diva confession: Sea scallops are larger than bay scallops, and should have a sweet smell and pearly-white color with firm, slightly moist flesh. Just rinse them under cool running water and pat them dry; check over the scallops and remove the side muscle if you find still attached. (The side-muscle is a little rectangular tag of tissue on the side of the scallop that feels tougher than the rest of the scallop. Just pinch and tear it away.)

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