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Rivers Planning a Chicken Coup

Written By Scott Joseph On July 9, 2013

John Rivers is hoping to do for fried chicken what he did for brisket. The owner and No. 1 River of 4 Rivers Smokehouse fame is planning a new concept called The Coop. Besides chicken, the menu will have fancier comfort foods, such as shrimp and grits.

Rivers is reportedly finalizing plans to take over the building at the corner of Morse Boulevard and Pennsylvania Avenue, which had previously been occupied by an O’boys barbecue and Kata Thai and Sushi. It also was once home to  East India Market, and offshoot of a one-time local Park Avenue favorite called East India Ice Cream Co. More recently, the building had been named as the location for a barbecue restaurant that was being planned by the owner of nearby PR’s Mexican restaurant that never transpired.

No word on timing. More when I know it.

Update: John Rivers sent the following statement about the new project from Greece, where he is embarking on a Mediterranean cruise: 

“We are working on it but still have a ways to go on the lease.  We’ll certainly let you know when it’s signed. I’ve learned all too often that these things can go awry anytime before that point.”

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