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Kevin Dundon’s Raglan Road Seafood Chowder

Written By Scott Joseph On August 8, 2016

Raglan Road Seafood Chowder

One of the favorite dishes at Raglan Road at Disney Springs is the Seafood Chowder. It looks like a very complex dish — and the flavors certainly are.

But as celebrity chef Kevin Dundon demonstrates, it’s simple enough to try at home.

If you want to try it at the restaurant, consider a visit during the Fifth Annual Great Irish Hooley, which will take place September 2 through 5. Besides all the usual music and dancing that you can find at Raglan Road, the Hooley features a 90 minutes show — The Rhythms of Raglan — produced in Ireland, exported to Raglan Road and directed by David Hayes (Riverdance, “The Voice” Ireland edition) with guest choreographers including Michael Donellan (Lord of the Dance). The music festival’s multi-band lineup will feature headliner Screaming Orphans and other bands popular on the festival circuit. For details, times and more information, visit the Raglan Road website.

But now back to that recipe! And check out the video below to see how Dundon does it.


Kevin Dundon’s Raglan Road Seafood Chowder
Serves 4-6

2 sticks celery chopped
5 tablespoons white wine
1 leek thinly sliced
1/4 cup firmly packed plain flour
1 carrot diced finely
2 cloves of crushed garlic
1 3/4 cups fish stock
2 tablespoons butter
Generous 3/4 cup pouring cream
2 sprigs thyme
4 teaspoons Pernod
1 pound 8 ounces selection of fish & shellfish
1 tablespoon tarragon
Salt & Pepper

Dice up vegetables into nice bite size pieces and sauté off in the butter with garlic and thyme until they are glazed but without color.

Next mix in the flour on the vegetable base and use it to coat all of the vegetables, lightly, and to dry up any juices in the pan.

Add in white wine, fish stock and cream and allow the vegetables to cook out slightly.
Entirely cook this mixture out before adding your selection of fish and shellfish.

At this stage you can leave this to cool down and reheat it later on before adding the fish.

When the vegetables have softened add in the fish and shellfish. At this stage try not to stir the chowder too much as this will cause the fish to break up.

Cook, very gently, for 6 – 8 minutes just until the fish is cooked.

Just after the fish is lightly poached add in some freshly chopped tarragon and a shot of Pernod.

Serve immediately with some nice crusty bread.

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